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Research Center for Structural Materials, Polymer Matrix Hybrid Composite Materials Group, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0047, Japan


Novel carbon/glass hybrid thermoplastic composite rods having different carbon/glass ratios (24K1P, 24K2P, and 24K3P) are commercially fabricated. The transverse compressive properties of these three hybrid rods were investigated. The load-displacement curve showed large nonlinear behavior and a complicated shape. In the initial stage, the load gradually increased by increasing the deformation. In the second stage, the load-displacement relation was almost linearly proportional to the displacement (stable deformation region). Subsequently, the slope decreased slightly, before the load-displacement curve showed a clear slope increase as the deformation proceeded. The fracture behavior of the hybrid rods was examined using a digital microscope. The observed fracture paths formed almost straight lines running through the loading point, the center of the cross section of carbon fiber bundles/thermoplastic epoxy, as well as the interface between the glass fiber bundles/thermoplastic epoxy and the carbon fiber bundles/thermoplastic epoxy.


Carbon fiber, glass fiber, thermoplastic epoxy, hybrid, transverse compressive properties.

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