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 The article discusses the emergence of some major catches throughout the present digital era. It reviews the discrepancy between the technology rate of advancement and human-beings’ ability to follow, comprehend, and adjust to it. This is, in essence, the articles’ subject matter. Several issues are analyzed about their relationships with the technological advancement. Among them are: basic knowledge and trivia, high education, human-touch decreasing, communication and media, freedom and responsibility, culture, bureaucracy, and population inquiry methods. At the last section, the social-capitalism idea is presented and proposed to be the political-economic platform of contemporary era. The proposed manifesto, which rests on collaboration, balanced activity, and common interest, refers to the following points: a.
Firm’s goals should contain three elements1; b. competition is just one of other motivation factors; c. government involvement in economy is a real must; d. local and global considerations should be balanced; and e. social servicesas a security-net must be maintained. It is assumed that such a balanced policy will enable a continual course of creative prosperity combined with stable fair and happier life for all.


technology, democracy, globalization, a balanced policy, government, economy, capitalism, socialism, social-capitalism, human ingenuity and welfare

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