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The proposed design methodology combines data analysis, algorithmic design, linguistics, mathematics physics to analyze methodologically the complex system of the urban fabric. The implementation of this design mechanism uses the urban fabric of Eleusis as a paradigm. The urban body of Eleusis is defined as a palimpsest of descriptions and images, synthesized spatially in multiple layers and is therefore considered to be a suitable sample for the preliminary application of the proposed methodology. Urban reality can be described as a complex system as it consists of both tangible and intangible elements, the characteristics of which are quantified by the context and the logical descriptions in which they are incorporated. However, descriptive logic changes constantly, following the development of multiplicity and the extension of concepts. Therefore, the body of urban reality is redefined continuously following the change in both logical descriptions and contexts. Considering that each framework draws up an ideology and chooses to analyze its’ core meaning, a linguistic analysis tool is developed for the combination of data visualization analysis, linguistic, and design methodologies to parameterize description of logics. Written speech is transformed into networks visualizing their ontological relationships. This creates a nebula of data (cluster) that assembles the immaterial reality of the urban fabric which is then transformed into local parameters by the appropriate methodological processes giving the relation between the nebula of descriptions and the locality of the network of descriptions. The material reality of the urban fabric is described through analyzing its’ grid transformations. The infinite body1
The objective of this research focuses on the construction of reality. The term reality is linked to pragmatism and derives from the ancient Greek word “pragma” and refers to anything that can be revealed through our senses of reality is synthesized through the composition of its’ material and immaterial bodies.


algorithmic design, conceptual design, construction of reality, linguistics, parametrization

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