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PureAqua Environmental Engineering Company Ltd., Veszprém 8200, Hungary


Industrial liquid waste streams could be significantly reduced by evaporation. Using evaporation technologies, not only the amounts are reduced, but the opportunities of potential economic reuse of the solutes are also promoted. In the process developed by authors’ company, fast and efficient vaporization was achieved due to the high evaporation area and vacuum conditions. To investigate the details of the process, an experimental pilot equipment was constructed. The fine resolution monitoring of pressure and temperature conditions is essential in the system, which was implemented by a number of low response-time sensors. In this section of the research work, the developing and testing of the monitoring system customized for this aim was performed. Since the number of the sensors and the data rate is high, the control system was simplified (as possible), and instead of D/A converters author created a digital data management system. This system was capable of managing the 255 sensor’s signals simultaneously in one channel, which seemed to be sufficient for this task. The error statistics of authors’ system was excellent, even in industrial conditions.


Vacuum evaporation, monitoring sensors, data acquisition, bit error.

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