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Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexicali, México


This research report is part of an empirical-experimental study (2006-2017) through which we seek to find answers to the question “How do translators translate?”, posed by the Process of Acquisition of Translation Competence and Evaluation (PACTE) Group and, in particular, record how the language to be translated evolves. The object of our study (5th-semester students in the Bachelor’s degree in translation) has produced a constant pattern in measurements of linguistic sub-competence in L2 (LSL2). This finding leads us to infer that the range of scores they exhibit, which goes from satisfactory to fair (60-79 on a scale of 100), constitutes normal LSL2 development in the acquisition of holistic translation competence, at least in the Mexicali campus of the Language School. The variable measured exhibits a covariance of 15/100 and a similar fluctuation is found in the ranges for transfer sub-competence (TRSC) in the subjects studied in this diachronic study. This is highly significant; the information collected may provide key clues to understanding how curricula function in real time, without having to wait until students graduate.


translation competence, linguistic sub-competence in L2, transfer sub-competence, scale, PACTE group

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