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Department of Civil Engineering,RUET, Bangladesh


Now-a-days a lot of modifications are taking place throughout the world to develop the existing highway materials to fulfill the demand of increased vehicles. People are at trend to innovate something new that can do better than it was. Some materials produce good effect and enhance the strength as well as qualities of bitumen. On the other hand, some materials are responsible for adverse effect on the bitumen. In saline areas like coastal regions, the salts play a significant role on the bituminous pavements. Sea water nearly contains 3% sodium chloride and evaporation of intake bodies of water has produced large and extensive deposits of it. We can be economically benefited if salt is used as an admixture to bitumen. But we do not even know the impact, good or bad of the mixing of salt with bitumen. The main objective of this paper to find out whether it is desirable or not taking various proportion salt with bitumen and doing specified test of bitumen. It is observed from the laboratory test that the penetration and ductility values are gradually increased with increased of salt content. The flash point, fire point and softening point value are stepwise reduced as percentage of salt content increased. Moreover it reduces the stability of roads. Mixing of salt to bitumen upgrades workability and it is beneficial in the economical point of view. Finally moisture effect test on the bituminous mix with the inclusion of salts show the degradation of strength due to moisture movement.


Sodium chloride, bitumen, bituminous mix, flash fire point, stability.

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