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1. BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, 4.5 Analysis of Artefacts and Cultural Assets, Unter den Eichen 44-46, 12203 Berlin, Germany
2. BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, 4.2 Materials and Air Pollutants, Richard-Willstätter Str.11, 12489 Berlin, Germany
3. Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1121 Konkoly-Thege Str. 29-33, Budapest, Hungary
4. Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1121, Konkoly-Thege Str. 29-33, Budapest, Hungary


The objective of this study is to find out, to what extent the geochemical characteristics of lapis lazuli can be utilized in respect to its provenance. A wide range of variables is taken into consideration depending on the quantity of samples analysed from a specific geological region and the methods applied. In order to provide evidence, a multi-technique analytical approach using µXRF, ESEM, PGAA and PIXE is applied to samples from the most famous deposits of lapis lazuli. Special elements determined as fingerprints are compared in relation to the forming conditions obvious in textural features. The results and statistical output allow a differentiation that enables an optimized local classification of the blue stone. An absolute requirement for all geo-tracing performed on blue colored cultural objects of unknown provenance is awareness of the limits of analysis. The possible sources of lapis lazuli are tested by analysing the blue pigment used as paint on murals and ink on manuscripts from the Silk Road.


Lapis lazuli, micro-XRF, ESEM, PGAA, PIXE, pigment analyses, provenance studies.

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