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South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China


Programming teaching in primary and secondary schools of China has experienced a process from prosperity to decline, and now it is going to prosperous. With the development of artificial intelligence, the application of some gamified programming tools has accelerated the development of various primary programming curriculums. While it is still in its infancy. Due to the complex teaching situation and lacking effective teaching strategies, and thus the teaching effect cannot be guaranteed. This study proposes a primary school programming teaching strategy based on gamified learning and has practiced in a subsidiary foreign language school in Guangzhou for a term. It adopts the action research method to iteratively improve the strategy, supplemented by the questionnaire method to verify the effect. The study has shown that primary school students are generally very interested in programming courses, and the teaching strategy can encourage primary school students to learn programming knowledge and enhance their computational thinking ability.


gamified learning, programming in primary, visual programming, teaching strategy, child programming

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