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Peking University, Beijing, China


Aggressive Buddhist nationalism has emerged as a considerable societal issue in Myanmar and a threat to peaceful coexistence in this multi-religious and multi-ethnic country since the political transition. The paper argues that the integration of strong religious capacity and strong political needs is the main reason for the rapid development of Buddhist nationalism in Myanmar since 2011. To be specific, strong religious capacity provides possibilities, and strong political needs create the necessity for the rapid development of Buddhist nationalism. Taking the MaBaTha movement as an example, the paper concludes the developing trajectory and characteristics of the movement. In terms of strong religious capability of Buddhism, the authority and legitimacy of Buddhism in Myanmar lay the foundation for the emergence and expansion of MaBaTha; on the other hand, powerful social network of Buddhism and the extensive community service provided by Buddhist organizations makes MaBaTha have strong mobilization capabilities. In terms of strong domestic political needs, the economic and social realities during the period of political transition made MaBaTha’s claims be widely accepted in Myanmar, and political elites’ mobilization form was the driving force for the organization’s rapid development. Finally, four suggestions are put forward on how to tackle the challenges brought by Buddhist nationalism in Myanmar.


Buddhist nationalism, Myanmar, social movement, MaBaTha

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