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I C Laura Lanza B di Carini, Carini, Italy


As the most innovative and challenging strategies in foreign language learning, digital tools play a strategic role, in particular for English as a foreign language as all the basic vocabulary related to ICT is English language based. Therefore, innovative approaches promoting the use of digital tools are essential in implementing language skills. In the Foreign Language Intercultura Lab of the Comprehensive School, the author personally runs this input was thoroughly promoted encouraging both autonomy and teamwork in students. The Lab, provided of laptop stations for each student, all connected to the central teacher station enhanced the acquisition of digital skills using language as a tool and the acquisition of “other” competences through language and digital tools. All the subjects in the school curricular educational program concurred to create a portfolio of knowledge for each student built up in foreign language. Using digital and multimedia instruments, virtual platforms, students have been leaded to create their own materials in a flipped classroom asset, working in a flexible set-up. In this way, digital learning and foreign language learning are thoroughly involved and combined together in order to produce “something”, to do “something”. Motivation in learning and consequently an increased school success have been achieved so far in these years. The intent is to provide the most effective and innovative teaching-learning practices to increase opportunities for our students in terms of their future social and working life.


language skills, innovation in learning-teaching methodologies

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