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Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


The purpose of this paper is to reflect on violence, social fear, and urban transformations in order to elicit some discussions about the relationship between these phenomena and their possible repercussions in the life of the social actors that inhabit the cities. In this way, we intend to initiate our reflection by deconstructing the binary character of violence in relation to the conceptual framework already known, proposing an approach to its characteristic, that is, to conceive it as a movement. We also intend to explain the feeling of fear as a mechanism of survival, its social particularity of orchestration and its implications in the lives of the urban social actors. Furthermore, we aim at explaining the urban transformations that are closely linked to the metropolises, highlighting their peculiarities and their consequences in order to emphasize the impacts on their inhabitants. In this way, we intend to conclude this study with some considerations regarding the interactions between these three phenomena that are strongly interrelated with life in the great metropolises.


violence, social fear, social memory, city

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