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Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan; Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, USA


This study aimed to explore what Mandarin Chinese vocabulary should be designed and delivered for young second language learners in kindergarten when they learn Mandarin Chinese language in Indonesia. A Mandarin Chinese vocabulary list designed by language teachers at a trilingual kindergarten (Indonesian, Mandarin, and English) in Indonesia was examined and revised by the researcher, and then the new revised Mandarin Chinese vocabulary list was examined by the Committee of the Kindergarten. The study found: (1) The Mandarin Chinese vocabulary list designed by language kindergarten teachers was lack of some concepts that children should have from perspectives of child development. For example, Mandarin direction words were not included in the list. (2) From the perspectives of parts of speech, the original vocabulary list focused mainly on nouns, partly on adjectives and verbs. Other parts of speech were not in the list. For example, pronouns (e.g., “我 [I]”, “你 [you]”, “他 [he/she]”) was not in it. (3) Some Mandarin words of the vocabulary list were categorized mistakenly or confusedly. For example, “浇花 (watering flowers)”, was categorized as plants. (4) The Mandarin meanings of “公公” (pronounced as [gōng-gōng]) and “婆婆” (pronounced as [pó-po]) in the vocabulary list were different from the general meanings in China. (5) Some objects may have different Mandarin names and may confuse children to learn Mandarin. For example, pineapple can be called as “凤梨” (pronounced as [fèng-lí]), “菠萝” (pronounced as [bō-luó]), or “黄梨” (pronounced as [huáng-lí]). The study suggests: (1) Mandarin vocabulary should be delivered to children in kindergarten based on principles of child development and linguistics. (2) Mandarin vocabulary list should be designed based on children’s daily life and their local environment. (3) Mandarin vocabulary list should be categorized based not only on children’s development of language skills, but also on their cognitive, physical, social-emotional skills. (4) Based on child development, the trilingual kindergarten may define a standard vocabulary list from all languages they teach, including Indonesian language, English language, and Mandarin language.


Mandarin Chinese teaching, Mandarin vocabulary list, kindergarten

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