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Al-Musanna College of Technology, Al-Musanna, Oman


In Oman, research on ESP has been attracting a great deal of attention in English language education over the past decade. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid to discover the relationship between the technical students’ knowledge of the ESP lexis and their attitudes towards learning ESP in the Omani technical context. Therefore, this research study was conducted to do so and to explore whether the Omani technical students’ knowledge of ESP lexis is predictable and is affected by a combination of their attitudes to learning ESP, their gender, and their age. Forty-eight questionnaires were distributed among participants (24 males and 24 females) aged between 24 and 27 years old. The study confirmed the positive relation between people’s knowledge and their feelings; several recommendations were proposed. In addition, the study showed that technical students’ attitude towards learning ESP is an issue that must be resolved as it negatively affects improving the students’ knowledge of ESP lexes.


English for specific purposes (ESP), knowledge of ESP lexis, learning ESP, Foundation Year Program, technical students

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