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Department of Civil and Mining Engineering, University of Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora 83000, México


According the Coulomb earth pressure theory, it is obtained that, for normally consolidated soils, the lateral pressure coefficient of a soil at rest is equal to 1, and it is independent of the soil type, either granular or cohesive; or that the material is in a loose or compact state; hard or a soft cohesive soil. Also, a methodology to calculate the earth pressure for intermediate states between at rest condition and the active pressure is presented. In addition, a methodology to calculate the earth pressure for intermediate states between at rest condition and the passive pressure is presented. Two practical examples are presented: one for a frictionless wall; and another for a coarse wall. Practical recommendations are given for the use of the lateral earth pressure coefficient for different applications.


Lateral earth pressure at rest, retaining wall, active thrust, passive thrust, Rankine, Coulomb, lateral earth pressure coefficient, lateral earth pressure coefficient at rest.

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