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1. Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi 1825, Democratic Republic of Congo
2. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi 1825, Democratic Republic of Congo


Biodiversity plays a fundamental role in the life of the Congolese population in general and in that of the population of Upper-Katanga province in particular. The current study deals with the socio-cultural and economic role and importance of biological diversity and forest in the life of the population of Upper-Katanga province. The utilized methodology was based on observation, field investigation and bibliographic research. Investigations were concerned more particularly with wood and animal species which are significantly utilized in the province. The results reflect the use of wood and animals which are part of the province biological diversity. They are compiled under two segments, namely the socio-cultural importance of biodiversity with some species forbidden to the queen, those that are utilized to split couples, to give strength to children, to provide the king with authority power, etc. The second segment deals with the results which emphasize the socio-economic importance of biodiversity concerned with hunting, fishing, cutting of some wood species for sale, building houses, cooking food, producing heat during cold weather, making furniture and other finished products, and for personal use.


Biodiversity, forest, socio-cultural and economic importance, Upper-Katanga province.

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