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Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Nowadays, gender issues have being discussed with an increasing scientific rigor. Academic productions that contest the dualistic concept man (aggressor) and victim (woman) have enabled a better understanding of the trivialization of violence against women. Probably, the influences of generational transmission of models of domination and submission shape this violence through the educative process that embraces standards of conduct and by the establishment of constitutive rules of the psyche in terms of identity bonds that label attitudes, actions, and choices. Then, the objective is to demonstrate, making use of the literature in the field, the male perpetuation though educative process by means of the acquisition and repetition of information regarding gender that are transmitted, since childhood, through mother-daughter relationship. The female behavior, practiced by the thoughtless repetition and kept by the strength of ancestral memory many times build a submission bond that is transmitted from mother to daughter, perpetuing the violence against women. The claimed violence, between partners and spouses, highlights hierarchical factors based on the dichotomy public space, aimed at man, and private place, aimed at woman, being a vector that perpetrates the male superiority and the female submission. The condition of female subalternity also reflects the transmission of stereotypes attributed to the woman who identifies herself with a past shaped by patriarchal conceptions, and does not discerne whether their conceptions result from personal experiences or if they are identity traits that resulted from a memory.


violence, generational transmission, memory, male domination, female submission

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