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1. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin 12205, Germany
2. Department of Reference Material and Proficiency Testing Section, Central Geological Laboratory, Ulaanbaatar 18080, Mongolia
3. Department of Groundwater Resources-Quality and Dynamics, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover 30655, Germany


CRM (Certified Reference Material) BAM-U116/CGL306 “Cyanide in soil” was produced within a framework of cooperation between CGL (Central Geological Laboratory) of Mongolia and Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) of Germany in 2013-2017. The CRM BAM-U116/CGL306 represents a mixture of a sandy soil collected from a contaminated former gasworks area in the Berlin region (Germany) and an unpolluted sandy soil from Nalaikh region (Mongolia). The bulk candidate material for this reference material was prepared at CGL CRM Laboratory exclusively destined to the preparation of reference materials and equipped with modern technical equipment. Homogeneity, stability and shelf life were studied in full compliance with ISO Guide 35. The CRM was evaluated as sufficiently homogeneous. Statistical evaluation of certification analysis was software packages SoftCRM and ProLab Plus. Certified value of total cyanide of the CRM is 12.0 mg/kg and expanded uncertainty was assigned as 0.8 mg/kg. The intended purpose of this material is the verification of analytical results obtained for the mass fraction of total cyanide in soils and soil-like materials applying the standardized procedure ISO 11262:2011. As any reference material, it can also be used for routine performance checks (quality control charts) or validation studies.


CRM, cyanide in soil, total cyanide.

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