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Northwest University, Shaanxi, China


Afghanistan is a neighboring country to China. The Afghanistan issue has had an important impact on China’s national security. Since the establishment of the new Afghan government in 2001, China has been committed to promoting Afghanistan’s economic, social, and security reconstruction, and has invested heavily resources in Afghanistan’s reconstruction. The main cause of the Afghan problem is that the Afghan government lacked enough resources and can only rely on the foreign powers’ aids. Afghanistan eventually loses its independence, and triggers interference in big powers. At present, Afghanistan still has not escaped this predicament. Near 50% of the Afghan government’s revenue comes from foreign aids. In 2013, the “Belt and Road Initiative” proposed by China provided opportunity for the reconstruction of Afghanistan. Afghanistan, as the crossroads of the land Silk Road and the heart of Asia, has become more prominent in its geopolitical status for “Belt and Road Initiative”. By participating “Belt and Road Initiative”, Afghanistan can help to activate its own economic vitality and promote the cross-border trade. It has changed the situation that Afghanistan is highly dependent on external aids. This helps to solve the problems of reconstruction in Afghanistan.


China, Afghanistan, Belt and Road Initiative

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