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University “Nikola Tesla”, Belgrade, Serbia
University “Mediteran”, Podgorica, Montenegro


The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Functionally, it has emerged as the organizational necessity of both the universal complex structure and the importance of its overall activity. It was created on the basis of Article 57 of the United Nations Charter, stipulating that the specialized UN agencies are autonomous international organizations. They enjoy their autonomy on the basis of the contract they were established by, being engaged in activities within the United Nations system. On the territories the organization member states comprise, they enjoy privileges and immunities, having the international legal capacity to carry out their activities in accordance to the Statute. The 1944 Multilateral Convention was to establish both protection and efficient development of international civil aviation. In accordance to that rights and obligations of member states were established. It is of a special importance to emphasize obligation of parties to take their parts in both co-operation and programs aimed at improvement of international transport, navigational equipment, and installations. In the globalized world of today, air traffic is an irreplaceable part of the system of communication. It enables fast and timely business contacts between the people from various continents, as well as transport of goods.


civil aviation, air navigation, air traffic, aviation, specialized agency, non-government international organizations, security

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