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University of Trunojoyo, Madura, Indonesia


As international migrant workers, they should equip themselves with appropriate knowledge and skills to compete with other overseas workers in the global job market. This means that international migrant workers need to improve their quality and ability. In addition, it also requires a high work and motivation to produce a satisfactory performance. Capabilities like cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities are needed to support performance. Information related to three abilities also motivation is important from international migrant workers from the island of Madura to be analyzed. Based on the results of qualitative research using interview technique and observation on three informants who had worked abroad as nursing, baby sitter, and housekeeper whose data validity of interview result is measured using triangulation method, it shows different ability in working on his job (though having the same motivation) resulted different performance. Low performance due to lack of ability in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects resulted in workers who could not compete with other workers. The evidence came from the lack of contract extension for low-performing workers. It is therefore recommended for prospective international migrant workers to equip themselves with sufficient capacity through trainings undertaken by government training center (Balai Latihan Kerja/BLK).


international migrant workers, ability, motivation, performance, competitive

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