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University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia


Facility management is the multi-disciplinary kind of work that covers a wide range of various activities, responsibilities, and knowledge. Facility management provides and manages a variety of support services in order to prepare all the organisational functions, putting the accent on an integration of primary activities in strategic, tactical, and operational levels. In the final decade of the previous century, facility management industry emerged as one of the fastest growing sectors at the international level. Nowadays, the importance of the facility management is readily acknowledged in many companies worldwide, which recognises the necessity of properly managing elaborate and expensive support facilities. The tasks are multi-disciplinary and cover a wide range of activities, responsibilities, and knowledge, because every aspect of an organisation may come under the competency of the facility management. The main aim of the paper is to point out the well-founded applicability of the global facility management in companies, which in order to achieve the competitive advantage correctly strengthened the corporate core business and shift the support activities into the management of a specialist in this field. The paper also covers the scope of the facility management in the international context, and also in the Slovak Republic, considering the specificities of individual countries.


facility management, support process, corporate management, globalization

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