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St. Louis Children’s Hospital, Child Health Advocacy and Outreach


The prevalence of childhood obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States and as of 2014 its prevalence among children ages two to 19 was 17.0%. Without intervention, obese children are at risk for negative health consequences and for the increased likelihood of staying obese through adulthood. St. Louis Children’s Hospital provides HTT (Head to Toe), an interactive 12-session fitness, nutrition, and social well-being class focuses on adopting healthier lifestyles through daily exercise, and proper nutrition. One program referral method is through a partnership with the hospital’s HSC (Healthy Start Clinic), a multi-disciplinary obesity clinic. Pretest and posttest assessments are used to measure changes in body metrics, health behaviors, knowledge, readiness to change, and self-concept. Between August 2011 and May 2016, 485 children and at least one parent or guardian with them were enrolled in the program, and up to 235 children completed at least one pretest- or post-assessment. Analysis determined multiple statistically significant improvements in body metrics, health behaviors, knowledge, including questions related to nutrition and food guidelines, readiness to change assessment, and self-concept. Total knowledge increased by 22%; questions related to nutrition increased by 28.2%, social emotional by 18.9% and physical activity by 17.8%. Findings suggest that the Head to Toe program is effective in improving nutrition, physical activity, social emotional knowledge and behaviors among participants. Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic and creating a relationship with a pediatric obesity clinic can increase the total number of children and teens that are introduced to weight management programs.


Childhood obesity, exercise, nutrition, weight, wellness, mental health.

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