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1. PROARQ-FAU/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Cidade Universitária, 21941-901, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2. Universidad Católica de Alto Paraná, Paraguay
3. Mestrado em Arquitetura e Cidade, Universidade Vila Velha, ES, Brazil


This work presents an analysis for the rural vernacular dwelling (Culata Yovai), sited in the South America Guarani region, basin of Paraguay and Paraná rivers. Outdoor climate has conducted man to build along the time a habitat climatic responsive. Nowadays, studies in progress try to show how this vernacular typology can support new low-income house designs. The intent is to guarantee for new projects the socio-cultural image that people, coming from countryside to live in city outskirts, are accostumed. Also, to provide material improvements and functional adequation for a quality and healthiness. Natural ventilation is the main bioclimatic strategy during summer for thermal comfort, which influences the house characteristics. This is proven by calculation, and simulation with the CFX-ANSYS software. Thus, the analysis performed shows the real possibity to reconcile bioclimatism with the symbolic-cultural value represented by this vernacular architecture form. It is hopped that this study can be considered as a methodological contributition for new sustainable projects (materials, technics and services) of low-incoming houses in this Latin American region.


Bioclimatic design, sustainable architecture, vernacular habitat, social housing, natural ventilation.

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