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For a period of two years, a survey of 110 parturitions of Labrador breed bitches was carried out in Rosario City to determine the average number of puppies per litter, percentage of dystocia of all parturitions, percentage of males and females born and causes of dystocia, as well as the incidence of clinically detectable congenital pathologies. Over a total of 110 parturitions ninety three (84.5%) parturitions were normal and 17 (15.5%) were dystocic ones, it was established that atony 1 was the most numerous cause of dystocia (53%), followed by atony 2 (23%), dystocia by fetal disorders (6%), hydramnios (6%), uterine rupture (6%) and vagina fibrous band (6%). The whole puppies born was 866, 7.9 puppies per litter, if comparison between normal parturitions and dystocic ones is made, numbers are 7.05 and 8.02 respectively. When sex evaluation percentage is made 51.5% are males and 48.5% are females. When viability of puppies born is calculated it is established that in ones born by normal parturition perinatal death was 9.3%, while in those born by dystocia it was 10.9%. Among clinically verifiable congenital disorders low weight at birth was the most frequent congenital alteration, followed by cleft palate, lethal congenital edema or walrus syndrome and hare lip.


Labrador retriever, parturition, bitches, dystocia, congenital, hydramnios.

Cite this paper

Sorribas, C., et al. 2018. “Reproductive Parameters and Characteristics of Labrador Breed.” Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 6 (10): 920-923.


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