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Portuguese Military Academy, Lisbon, Portugal Research Center of the Military Academy, Lisbon, Portugal Center for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics of the Algarve University, Algarve, Portugal
Portuguese Military Academy, Lisbon, Portugal Research Center of the Military Academy, Lisbon, Portugal INESC-ID, Lisbon, Portugal


The growth of internationalization of higher education, both in developed and in emergent countries is a result of globalization. In spite of the growing literature on higher education, results from the process of internationalization, its benefits and risks, have not been widely discussed. Studies of different internationalization strategies and comparative analysis are also scarce. This paper contributes, on the one hand, towards, a reflexion on those topics by reviewing literature on the evolution of strategies and suggesting guidelines for a national strategy for Higher Education (HE); on the other hand, by analysing recent data, compares the scope of high education internationalization among European and other countries. There has been an evolution from mobility of students and staff towards transnationalization of courses and services/products from higher education institution (HEI). Global surveys point to different approaches to internationalization and different results and perceptions. The view that internationalization is a condition for high performance of higher education institutions and national competitiveness does not appear to be clearly supported by evidence.


internationalization, transnationalization, higher education, Europe, Portugal, strategies

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Economics World, Sep.-Oct. 2018, Vol. 6, No. 5, 370-383 doi: 10.17265/2328-7144/2018.05.004


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