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Bengkulu University, Bengkulu, Indonesia


The development of tourism in Bengkulu Province was aimed at improving the tourism as one of the prioritized sectors. This accomplished through the improvement of the tourism competitiveness, the development of local tourism, the development of human resources as well as the increase of the roles of the community and business people in the tourism sector. The variety of tourism attractiveness and its potentials existing in Bengkulu Province has not been used and managed well as a tourism resources that has a selling point and a competitive value so that it can accelerate the increase of the local government and community income. Such as tourism resources still need a creative and professional touch in order to make it as an object of tourism and to make it attractive; therefore, it can be made as a tourism product that has selling value. Having considered the afore-mentioned condition, this study aimed to the region and its problems existing in tourism. There was no explanation and firmness on the tourism object classification as well as the existence of the facilities and infrastructure supporting other tourism in Bengkulu Province. The result of the study indicates that the reputation of the tourism had a very positive effect toward the tourism sectors. It had a small impact to the damage of nature and the local culture, but it created work opportunities and increased the community income. Other findings of the study were to provide input for a further research of the tourism development, that is information needed by the study in order to identify other factors related to the product approach and the tourism market approach in developing the competitiveness of the tourism sector.


tourism development, local government, community income

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Economics World, Sep.-Oct. 2018, Vol. 6, No. 5, 364-369 doi: 10.17265/2328-7144/2018.05.003


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