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Department of Manufacturing and Material Engineering, IIUM, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, P.O. Box 10, 50728, Malaysia


Nanostructures anodized copper coating was successfully synthesized through electrochemical anodization method. Effects of oxalate concentration and temperature on the morphology and corrosion resistance of the anodized coating were investigated through the observation of the critical polarization current variations. The anodizing parameters were selected in the ranges of anodizing temperature 0-24 °C, oxalate concentration 0.1-0.5 M and applied voltage 7.5-9 V. Phase analysis of the anodized coating was carried out using XRD (X-ray diffraction). Resulted peaks of the X-ray diffraction referred to the formation of a monoclinic crystalline phase of nanostructure cupric oxide CuO. The results of critical polarizing current were analyzed to evaluate the charge transfer through the coating. The lowest critical polarizing current was obtained when the porosity of the coating was in its lowest values. The increasing of oxalate concentration increases solution conductivity leading to form coating of larger grain size with fewer pores. The decreasing of temperature decrease coating porosity. The highest resistance to charge transfer through the anodized coated surface was achieved in the highest oxalate concentration and lowest anodizing temperature.


Copper corrosion, copper oxide, anodization technique, corrosion protection.

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