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Centro Universitário UDF, Brasília (DF), Brasil
Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Distrito Federal, Brasília (DF), Brasil


The therapeutic workshops are proposals for social insertion in mental health services, providing a space for coexistence of the subjects. Literacy workshops help the inopportune users to stay in school, through extended hospitalizations, to practice writing and reading as a resource for the reorganization of reality and the reconstruction of autonomy. This article reports on the process of implementation of the Oficina das Letras, held in a psychiatric hospital, and its contribution to the therapeutic process of the participants. As a result, it was possible to observe that the implementation of the workshop contributed to the recovery of the subjectivity of inpatients from the reinforcement to the use of writing and reading, in which, it sought to promote part of the reconstruction of the identity and the autonomy of the users, collaborating with the exercise of citizenship.


therapeutics, mental health, psychiatric, rehabillitation

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