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    Patricia Martínez Lanz, María Doménica Ravelo Ladrón de Guevara, Daniela Ayari Moreno Landeta, María Fernanda Gen Lortia, Ixchel Aditi González Gutierrez, Elsa Paulina Alanis Cázares

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Universidad Anáhuac México, Mexico City, Mexico


The present study was transversal, exploratory, descriptive, and correlational in order to determine factors related to the migration of the subjects, such as levels of domestic violence, substance consumption, and sociodemographic factors before their transfer, as well as violence during their trip. The total sample was composed of 266 migrants, accommodated in two Mexican shelters. Four scales were used to evaluate sociodemographic factors, domestic violence, substance abuse (drugs and alcohol), and violence during the migratory path. For the factors of domestic violence, violence during migratory path, and substance abuse, Likert type scales were used. According to these results, the hypotheses can be verified, inferring that the factors of domestic violence, lack of money or insecurity in the country of the migrant’s origin have as consequence the transfer to other countries. It was also verified that subjects that migrate suffer of some kind of violence.


migration, domestic violence, migratory violence, addictions, migrant’s sociodemographic factors

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