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College of Maritime Transport & Technology, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, AASTMT, Egypt


Rivers are the basic natural resources for various human activities. For that reason, the river banks have encouraged pioneers to construct their new towns. River transport has always been of vital importance for the economy of various nations. This could be done through descriptive and analytic navigation in rivers and navigation at sea specially in confined waters. Vessel traffic services (VTS) system deals with managing ship traffic and suggesting best routes for vessels at busy and confined waters. Nile traffic service (NTS) as a Nile traffic monitoring system established by rivers protective authorities, can be alike to VTS maximum economic returns coming from river routes can be recognized with assistance of Nile traffic services which keep significant river information available for all users at all times. It also helps keep waters safer and more controlled by detecting illegal cargo activities the paper aims to re-plan River Nile for using in navigation and transportation due to its significant importance for a country like Egypt.


Nile River, VTS, river transport, navigation, NVTS.

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