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Southern Oregon University, Oregon, USA
Colorado State University, Colorado, USA


Mixed methods were used to gain an understanding of Colorado ski resort employees’ perceptions of diffusion of sustainability innovation. Data included eight semi-structured interviews with sustainability managers from six ski areas in Colorado and quantitative data from online surveys (N = 264) distributed to employees from five Colorado ski resorts. A sustainability framework coupled with diffusion of innovations theory linked the qualitative and quantitative data. The strongest indicator of corporate sustainability was innovativeness as it relates to leadership. General agreement between the two study groups pertained to drivers and barriers of corporate sustainability from the external environment, including competition, customer demand, and government regulations as well as the role of company size and financial structure. While sustainability managers considered innovation characteristics as important factors affecting corporate sustainability, the second study group (employees not holding sustainability-related positions) felt those items affected just one dimension of sustainability. Internal communication within the resort and the possible lack of understanding of corporate sustainability at all organizational levels was a concern. Challenges and opportunities for organizational change towards corporate sustainability were noted from the mixed-methods approach.


Colorado, corporate sustainability, diffusion, innovation, ski resorts, tourism

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Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, July-Aug. 2018, Vol. 6, No. 4, 167-186 doi: 10.17265/2328-2169/2018.08.003

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