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Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China


One of the major desires of every nation is to drastically reduce illiteracy especially in this modern societies. This is because education is one of the vital indicies used in the measurement and categorization of nations as developed or developing. The Universal Basic Education (UBE) Scheme was planned to bring about positive change in the educational system through quality, functional, and free education, but this dream has met bottlenecks, barriers through high enrollment with inadequate classroom space, lack of laboratories, dilapidated infrastructure, employment of unqualified teachers, lack of fund, these have among others hindered the good implementation of the programme. The article assessed the effectiveness and implementation of UBE Policy for Education Development in Nigeria by reviewing past research/literature to determine the efficacy of UBE programme in student enrollment, financing strategies, government and institutional involvement program, school facilities provision and management, and teacher involvement. Conclusion was given based on the literature reviewed. Lastly, the article added to the recommendation that, for effective management and implementation of the UBE, there is need of full participation and cooperation from the public, professionals, and the government. The government should be open to ideas and allow the free role and participation of educational specialist.


effectiveness, implementation, universal basic education (UBE) policy, and educational development

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