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National Academy of Education of I. Altynsarina, Astana, Kazakhstan, Center for Pedagogical Excellence, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan


At the present time, new state compulsory standards for school education, standard curricula, and curricula have been developed. The programs of higher and postgraduate education do not take into account changes in educational curricula of secondary education. The future specialists of pedagogical universities are teachers of the school. Therefore, graduates of universities on pedagogical specialties, including scientific direction, should be profoundly aware of the content of subjects studied in secondary education. It is very important to understand the need to ensure the continuity of educational curricula of higher pedagogical and general secondary education in conditions of updating the content of education. The relevance of the research topic is due to the lack of continuity in the educational programs of higher pedagogical and general secondary education in conditions of updating the content of education; discrepancy of professional competences of young pedagogical staff, graduates of higher educational institutions, to the conditions of the updated content of school education; the lack of fundamental and applied research to date, considering the theoretical and methodological foundations for ensuring the continuity of natural science education in the “school-university” system in the context of updating the content of education; the need for the research in the context of the implementation of the State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019, which indicates an increase in the prestige of the profession of teachers and an increase in their quality. These theoretical and methodological bases for ensuring the continuity of educational programs of higher pedagogical and secondary education in conditions of updating the content of education will make it possible to introduce changes in the educational curricula of higher and postgraduate education for the training of pedagogical personnel.


continuity in the system “school-university”, natural sciences and mathematics, ensuring the continuity of educational content, training of teachers, state obligatory standard of education, curriculum

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