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1. Mechatronics Division, Technological University of North Aguascalientes, Rincón de Romos, Aguascalientes 20400, Mexico
2. Advanced Technology Center, CIATEQ Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes Valley Industrial Park, San Francisco de los Romo, Aguascalientes 20358, Mexico
3. Automatic Control Department, Center for Research and Advanced Studies of National Polytechnic Institute, Zacatenco Unit, Gustavo A. Madero, Mexico City 07360, Mexico
4. University Center of Lagos, University of Guadalajara, Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco 47460, Mexico


The present work makes the exhibition of a manufacturing cell for didactic purposes, implemented as part of evaluation in the last cycle of mechatronics engineering formation within Technological University of North Aguascalientes. It includes the motivation that led to planning and subsequent implementation of manufacturing system described, the characteristics of particular processing operations that it was decided to include, methodology to achieve joint work and synchronization of each operation performed, the results of operation obtained and their comparison with initial expectations, as well as the conclusions derived from process, which lead to considering such a project as an ideal model to verify the formation of the future mechatronics engineers, when faced with applications of their area of exercise, reviewing operating principle of mechanical, electronic, control and computing systems to achieve their synergy in a mechatronic system.


Manufacturing cell, robot configuration, didactic prototype, mechatronics engineering.

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