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Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA


In Últimospoemas a Buenos Aires, Adriana Stein, like many contemporary Jewish Latin American writers,explores the nature of remembrance and exile within the context of social justice not only in the Americas, but also within the broader context of world politics. Her collection of poetry, published as an e-book in 2015, traces the legacy of the Jewish diaspora in Argentina through her own experiences and those of friends and family as she summons memories of the disappeared during the Dirty War from 1974 to 1983. Some of the poems contained this collection were first published under the name of Adriana Stein Fourman on the Proyecto desaparecidos for Argentina, the website dedicated to the memory of the victims of the military regime and to exposing their repressors. Themes of the marginalized or fragmented self as well as both internal and external exile common in works by diasporic communities throughout Jewish history also find expression in Stein’s collection, along with the oft repeated history of Shoah.  Indeed, through her poetry, Adriana Stein contributes to the wider discourse of the politics of identity that serves as literary testimony of the perpetual struggle for human rights that focuses on diasporic societies in Latin America and elsewhere.


Jewish, DirtyWar, Argentina, Human Rights

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