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Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, School of Engineering, The University of Zambia, P.O. Box 32379, Lusaka, Zambia


KM (knowledge management) has in the recent past been promoted as a means of harnessing and utilising intellectual resources and to improve innovation, business performance and client satisfaction within the construction industry. However, there has been no attempt to ascertain the required level of KM within any given firm. The study reported in this paper aimed at establishing a general equation for assessing a firm’s required level of KM. Through literature review and a questionnaire survey, a total of 22 key indicators of KM were established. The interaction and effects of the key indicators against turnover and employee base were established, yielding an elliptic paraboloid fitted graph over which desirability could be calculated. It was observed that there is a continuous relationship among the firm’s turnover, employee base and the identified key indicators. In practice, firms have different combinations of the employee base and turnover. The derived equation fits well with the different combinations. Firms can, through the use of such equations, determine the level of effort and investment required to implement KM.


Knowledge management, civil engineering, consulting industry, desirability.

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