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National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Taiwan


Along with the rise in modern feminine consciousness, many of the females would choose to leave out of their regular lives. They no longer aim at sightseeing or shopping in travel. Voluntourism has gradually become their priority to improve themselves, broaden their horizons, strength their wills, and get rid of inherent living circles. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate the difference in female volunteer travelers in Taiwan. For this purpose, the study first starts from analyzing female background features, then their discrepancy in lifestyles, and based on the data collected, the authors also look into the difference of female involvement. Finally, the authors analyze the difference of their subjective well-being with the study result above. The study has collected a total of 98 valid samples focusing on females in Taiwan who had attended voluntourism through the Internet platform questionnaires. The study shows that female volunteer travelers are independent in lifestyles and prefer to interact with local people and other travelers. They are fond of arranging organized and flexible trips and they also have a strong interest in fashion trend and trendy events. The research shows that despite many of the female volunteer travelers are beginners in voluntourism, they generally present stronger subjective well-being. The result of the study is available for related departments to arrange and spread mid-term and long-term voluntourism for qualified and willing female volunteers with senior or experienced qualities. In the future literary planning, voluntourism can add on seeking happiness for more females who intend to realize their self-worth and pursue life meanings to understand the importance and meaning of voluntourism and enjoy in it.


voluntourism, female, lifestyle, involvement, subjective well-being

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Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, May-June 2018, Vol. 6, No. 3, 89-99 doi: 10.17265/2328-2169/2018.06.001

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