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Department of Mining Engineering, University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia


Groundwater from underground rivers is one of the potential raw water sources in the karst area. Research to exploit the potential sources of water from underground rivers in karst areas is very important. Utilization of water resources should be based on technique, environmental and social conditions. The problems are to find the groundwater river flows, to design a well installation, to determine the feasibility, and to manage the water use. Analysis of the results of geological mapping, topography, geophysical measurements, drilling, pipeline and electrical survey, and pumping tests produce the feasibility of the water utilization. Geoelectric data indicates there is a saturated zone at a depth of about 70-90 m from the surface. Well construction is implemented by using a 83 m PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) pipe and a 15 m screen length. The groundwater level remains stable even though it has been pumped with a maximum discharge of 5 liters/sec. Based on the elevation difference from topographic mapping results, the number of booster pumps can be calculated. Utilization of water from underground rivers can overcome the problem of water shortage in dry area.


Geological mapping, underground river, dry area, karst, water quality.

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