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Federal Institute of São Paulo, São Carlos IFSP-SC, Brazil


Composite materials may be composed of several types of fiber and resin. The design of hybrid composites intends to improve the physico-mechanical properties of this kind of materials, compared to standard composites, which consist of epoxy resin matrixes and carbon fibers, which presents low impact resistance. Our goal was the development and characterization of a hybrid material composed of two kinds of fibers, carbon and Kevlar, in the fabric format, joined by epoxy resin matrix. The standard composition is the Composition 1: containing 55%-60% carbon fiber and 40%-45% epoxy resin. The hybrid composite is the Composition 2: that contains 30%-33% carbon fiber, 25%-27% Kevlar fiber and 40%-45% of epoxy resin. The composite plates were prepared using a laminator machine and later they were process in a vacuum bag and cured in oven. The study aimed at comparing the physical and mechanical properties of these materials. The mechanical tests were focus on measurements of the tensile, flexural and impact charpy stresses, and physics tests by measures of bulk densities. Through these procedures, we hope to find out data that may be useful for a partial characterization of these products for applications in the aerospace industry.


Hybrid composites, fibers Kevlar/carbon, physical and mechanics properties.

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