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Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand


The research purpose was to study the effects of working experience practicum to strengthen students’ self-determination behaviours. Research population were 23 students in 3rd year in Business and Computer in Vocational Education Department, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University who registered to study in Practicum Subject in 2016 academic year. Three research instruments were conducted, including, (1) Practicum Manual, (2) Interview Form, and (3) Focus Group Discussion Sheet. Research instruments were verified by four experts who were in four academic areas, including (1) humanity, (2) psychology, (3) business, and (4) human resource by using content validity method. Interview session was divided by 10 groups of companies in which students did their work for 10 weeks. Focus group was administered to discuss with 23 students and share about working problems and solutions. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis method, including data analysing, ordering and grouping, and data linking of working practicum. The research results were shown that students learned to understand benefits and limitations of self-determination behaviors and awareness in the essentials of self-determination in four aspects, including (1) attention and responsibility in working achievements, (2) working diligent and tolerance, (3) self-determination with learning motivation, and (4) self-development. The guidelines to encourage students’ self-determination behaviors suggested that students should apply Buddha’s teaching (four-step secret of successful working achievements) to achieve their work and adjust students’ real life behaviors. Furthermore, researcher presented the best practice guidelines to promote students’ self-determination behaviors, including (1) students should think positively to spend time on hardworking and tolerance, (2) students should develop their work through PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) techniques to adjust their work to do better, (3) students should be promoted with skills of 21st century that are necessary to raise students’ self-development through teaching and learning in and out of classroom.


working experience practicum, self-determination, practicum subject

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