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Ahlia University, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain


This study is conducted to measure customer recognition level of business logos in Kingdom of Bahrain in order to identify the best predictor for logo recognition in a local context. A quantitative approach and combination of descriptive and correlational research design is reflected in this study. Customers in Bahraini market whose age range is between 15 and 50 years were deemed to be research population; to form a representative sample, non-probability sampling technique was applied, specifically combination of convenient and judgmental sampling method. While in deciding the size of the sample, ratio sampling was used; total of 384 customers using confidence level of 95% were the research sample. As for data collection, the researcher used structured interview questionnaire as an instrument to extract the raw data and 16 business logos were presented equally to customers, those logos belong to four distinctive industries in Bahrain: food, medical, beauty services, and fashion. As for the demographic profile, most of customers in the sample were female (54.9%) that belonged to the age range between 18-24 years old (33%) with income range between 301 and 600 BD (41.1%) from Capital Governorate (41.9%); in term of education level most of respondents have bachelor’s degree holder (58.1%). The research concluded with significant findings, one of which was that the relationship profile revealed that all of the demographic variables inserted in the research had significant correlation with the customer’s overall logo recognition and in addition to the other aspects associated with recognition, such as logo scope recognition, logo industry recognition, and company name recognition. Moreover, it has been concluded that the scope of all medical logos in the research was mostly moderately by the customer beside many other findings.


logos, logo recognition, Bahrain, customer, SME, business identify, Middle East, marketing

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