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Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
Srinakharinwirot University, Nakhon Nayok, Thailand


This research aimed to examine problems in building up local development plan, construct new meaning scheme of community strategic planning of civil society, and identify strategic guidelines for grassroots economic development. Key informants were 145 representatives of civil society from 102 communities in Trang Province, Thailand. Research instruments were dialogue forums which encouraged the key informants to reveal their own experiences in public hearings. Data were analyzed by using interpretation of their own experiences in order to construct new meaning scheme from them. Findings revealed that the problems of previous community strategic plan facilitated by governmental organizations had less concern towards people’s self-reliance and participation to determine their own community future. Civil society participated in construction of new meaning scheme of local development by setting direction concerning existing local assets; e.g. marine resources, mountains, forests and paddy fields. Meanwhile, local people were harmoniously living among diversified cultural and ethnical differences like Buddhists, Muslims, Chinese-Thais, and local ethnic groups. External factors that weakened local capacity are consumerism in today’s society, and governmental mechanism was not conformed to local development. All developmental budgets were arranged by government organizations. Thus, new meaning scheme to development is setting up the directions of local development based on peaceful and strong relationship of community people including reservation of natural and cultural diversity. Furthermore, civil society’s role should be strengthened and reset, while government organizations act as facilitators instead of being commanders. The strategic guidelines included: promoting occupational capacity for small- and medium-sized community enterprises to gain more opportunity in economic space of local wisdom products, conserving the natural resources and bio-diversity, developing physical environment and city plan to support tourism, providing non-formal education to empower intellectual capability of local community leaders, and developing community-based tourism to gain additional income based on the historical and cultural strengths.


new meaning scheme, transformative learning, local economy, civil society, Trang Province, Thailand

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