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Secretaria de Educação de São Paulo, São Paulo (SP), Brazil


The writers of this study are the Countess de Ségur, Louisa May Alcott and Maria Clarice Marinho Villac, from France, the United States and Brazil, respectively. It’s possible to identify a connection in their life trajectories―aristocratic and bourgeois families―and the ability to write their books. These publications address a specific audience, composed of children and young people, especially females.

The representation of femininity in the narratives is related to the representation of family and religiosity, since it is up to the family to guide the girls in moral terms and this question is quite highlighted by religion. Analyzing the representation of femininity is due to the fact that the main books of female writers bring female protagonists, who exhibit a rebellious and mischievous behavior, which is observed and guided by adults.
The representations of femininity is still valued and legitimized. For this reason, the narratives continue to be published and adapted to other languages, bringing to light these representations that remain until the 21st century in new clothing and updated vocabulary. Some adaptations for the Portuguese will also be analyzed, trying to identify longevity the works of these writers and their meaning in some epochs.


feminine writings, children’s literature, representations of femininity, childhood, family, education, religion

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