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Yunnan Honghe College, Meng Zi, China


In recent years, with the prevailing of Chinese traditional culture, the related “classic education (经典教育jingdianjiaoyu)” debate ensued. Some scholars strongly oppose the “classical education” and think that make children memorize mechanicallyand forced recite, without understand about Confucian classes deviate from the modern “children’s center-based education” and “ideas violate scientific” and to be “an ancient and retrogression”, “ignorance of cultural conservatism”. They advocating that “things other than children’s lives cannot be forcibly entered into the lives of children,” otherwise it will be “a killing of childhood innocence and stifling the lives of children”, and imprisonment of children’s life. To sum up this fierce argument, the main issues of debate are generally not out of the following four aspects: (1) why do we need classic enlightenment? (2) the purpose and utility of the classic enlightenment? (3) the content and methods of classic enlightenment? (4) the timing of the classic enlightenment? In response to these four points of view, Mr. Wangfuzhi, who was 400 years ago, also put forward his own ideas. This article is not intended to participate in this controversy. Instead, it wants to understand Wangfuzhi’s “ideas of classical enlightenment” to understand how the ancients advocated these four issues. For modern people’s reference.


Wangfuzhi, the purpose, utility, content, method and timing of the classical education or enlightenment, Kant

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