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Northeastern University, Shenyang, China


According to the interpretive theory of French interpretive school, translators should strive to break away from the original language form and pay attention to the thought or connotation of the original language. Therefore, in the training of interpreting notes, the trainer should strive to break away from the original language form to understand the communicative meaning of the original utterance in context, remember or record the thought or information of original utterance, and perform interpretation training more effectively. During the process of interpretation, especially the consecutive interpretation, notes is one of the most important skills. This article is an exploration of the interpreting practice of the “deverbalisation” hypothesis in interpretation theory. Starting from the commonly used skills and principles of interpreting notes, this paper analyzes some of the skills and principles commonly used in notes to explore the application of the “deverbalisation” hypothesis in interpreting notes.


deverbalisation, interpreting notes, application

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