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Thinking about the problem of terrorism, the author finds its origins in the myth of the Trojan War, treating it as a battle for space, which was the primary basis for the civilizational leap—the expansion of the Greek world to the east, which led to the flourishing of Greek culture, creating a precedent of justified colonialism, provided strategy and tactics—the causal apology of violence—all subsequent wars, colonial campaigns, which was no exception for the migratory flows of the XX century, as a result of which the word “terrorism” sounded with by force of the song of B. Brecht. The theme of “space”—chucked away, lost, taken away, destroyed, compressed, anarchic, empty, boundless, virtual—remains vital in our time, when the limitless possibilities lead to the limitation of man himself, his emptiness, and “complete shortness” (Platonov), when the treaty as the basis of human existence is rejected, and when you become the Other yourself. The metaphysics of “violence” is buried in anthropology—in ignorance of one’s limits by man, in denying the boundaries of “another’s,” in unwillingness to ask a question and find the answer, in laziness and, in fact, in the loss of oneself.


myth, space, terrorism, Own/Alien’s, treaty, another, happiness

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