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1. The National Advanced School of Engineering of Maroua, University of Maroua, Maroua P.O. Box 46, Cameroon
2. The National Advanced School Engineering, University of Yaounde, Yaounde P.O. Box 8390, Cameroon


In general, the energy storage in facilities to intermittent sources is provided by a battery of accumulators. Having found that the duration of life of chemical accumulators is strongly shortened in the northern regions of Cameroon and that this has a considerable impact on the operating costs and the reliability of power plants to intermittent sources, this work proposes to find an alternative to these chemical accumulators rendered vulnerable by the high temperatures. It reviews all energy storage techniques and makes a choice (the CAES (compressed air energy storage)) based on thermal robustness. It proposes a new technique of restitution of the energy by producing an artificial wind from the compressed air. The feedback loop thus obtained by the compressor-tank-wind subsystem is studied from a series of manipulations and its efficiency is determined. To automate the operation of this system, a controller is required. The operating logic of the controller is provided in function of the precise states of the load, the tank and the natural sources.


Battery duration life, compressed air energy storage, artificial wind, thermal robustness.

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