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I C Laura Lanza B di Carini, Carini, Italy


Reading is a quite important skill for the growth of our society. There is a strong connection between reading and getting aware of and participating in the culture. Strong readers have the capacity to interact more effectively with both cultural and social dimensions in the world they live in. Moreover, acquiring skills which enable people to be conscious world citizens is strictly connected to reading, knowing, and learning. For this reason, it is so important that children acquire this power, otherwise it will get lost. Unfortunately, reading is neither common nor pleasant any more. All over the world, there is a severe crisis in the reading skill itself. Both students and adults know it very well even if they are often interested in different things. The massive use of media, such as TV before and the NET nowadays, has been detaching people from reading, both books and newspapers. In order to raise curiosity and interest, educational non-formal methods at school such as storytelling, as a new methodological approach to increase the pleasure of reading in young people, both in mother language than in foreign language activities, at school have proven to be very successful.


language skills, innovation in learning-teaching methodologies

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