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Stomatological Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China


The purpose of this paper is to explore the safe and effective dose of dexmedetomidin for the prevention of agitation and delirium during the awakening period for children undergoing general anesthesia. Samples of 989 cases are collected from children with comprehensive treatment of dental caries, and were randomly divided into four groups. Group A, group B and group C were intravenously at constant speed (60 mL/h), 0.5 and 0.25 infusion with 1 μg/kg dexmedetomidine. Group D (control group) was intravenously saline at the same speed. The score of 5-point scale and the incidence of ED (emergency delirium) and EA (emergence agitation) in four groups were compared. Comparison of four groups of CHIPPS (children and infants postoperative pain) score, the amount of operation time and record seven halothane (TO), time to stop cover drug withdrawal of laryngeal anesthesia (TM), eye opening time (TE), independent records of children at the time of ICU stay after anesthesia (TP). Results show that there was no significant difference between the four groups (p > 0.05), among which the TM in B, C groups was significantly higher than that in A, D groups (p < 0.05). Group C was significantly higher than group B (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in TE and TP between the A, B, D groups (p > 0. 05). TE in group C was significantly higher than that in groups A, D (p > 0. 05). The TP of group C was significantly higher than that of groups A, D (p < 0.05), but there was no significant difference between the B, C groups (p > 0.05). The incidence rates of EA and ED in groups A and B were significantly lower than those in group D (p < 0.05). Group C was significantly lower than group A (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference between group C and group C (p > 0.05). The CHIPPS score and sevoflurane dosage in groups A and B were significantly lower than those in group D (p < 0.05). Group C was significantly lower than group A (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference between group C (p > 0.05). Conclusion: the dose of dexmetomidine 0.5 μg/kg in children with general anesthesia can prevent restlessness and delirium after operation.


Children’s general anesthesia, dexmedetomidine, emergence agitation, emergency delirium.

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