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University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq


The problem of the damage caused by terrorist acts has raised many difficulties in many countries, including   Iraq, which requires the existence of a law that sets out sufficient rules for compensating the victims of terrorist  acts, in order to compensate them for the harm they have not suffered. It may be difficult or impossible for them to identify causing damage, and therefore unable to obtain compensation by applying the traditional rules of   liability that require proof of fault and identify the culprit. The security funds come as an appropriate alternative that pays compensation in such cases for victims to reparation for the damage they suffered. Therefore, this problem remains one of the most problems that Iraq suffers from it, which need to study comprehensively to determine the rules of procedures and necessary instructions to be taken to solve this problem. For that, this   study comes to discuss this important and vital subject in order to reach a possible outcome to overcome this problem.


terrorism, Iraqi, law, compensation, rules

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Journal of US-China Public Administration, February 2018, Vol. 15, No. 2, 104-110


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